A Moment of Calm This Christmas

I've joined forces with my friend Beth Wright to bring you an alternative advent….

A Moment of Calm This Christmas’.

Each day of advent, Monday thru Friday, we'll be sharing some thoughts & activities on the themes of intentional or mindful living, simplicity and slow living in our pop-up Facebook group. There will be a few guided meditations included too. Then, at the weekends, we will be sharing a challenge for you to participate in (if you wish, of course).

We start on Thursday 1st December; we'll open the group next week, but you can request to join in the meantime... and the best bit, it's free to join. Click the image below, and you'll be taken over to the group in Facebook.

We've also a few extra bonuses on offer for those of you that join in, including a 2023 reflection and planning digital journal… and there are some prizes up for grabs as well. I'm excited!!


Rest is productive.


Candle gazing mindfulness meditation