Own Your Time - the podcast.

A small business podcast all about time and project management for solopreneurs.

Season 2…

Popular episodes from Season 1…

sarah stewart time management coach at a cafe working on her laptop whilst smiling to camera

Welcome to ‘Own Your Time’.

The podcast for solopreneurs and small business owners… get ready to harness your most precious asset - your time - with intention, enabling you to create a life that thrives in simplicity, ease and joy.

I'm your host, Sarah Stewart, Glasgow-based time and project management expert. My approach combines the wisdom of traditional time management strategies with the transformative power of mindfulness. My commitment is to help you get more time for the things that really matter.

If you are ready to ditch the hustle culture and overwhelm, and instead embrace peaceful productivity; you are in the right place.

Be a guest on the Own Your Time podcast with Sarah Stewart

Guidelines for podcast guests.

We love…

🕰️ Unique stories related to time

🕰️ Overcoming challenges related to time

🕰️ Time saving advice for small businesses

🕰️ Slow and intentional living / businesses

🕰️ Topics we’ve not covered before

Not for us…

🕰️ Crypto, trading + marketing bros

🕰️ Alcohol brands

🕰️ Hustle culture

🕰️ Sales pitches for products and services

🕰️ How to achieve 10K+ months in your business


25 pages of exercises to help you on your time management journey

sketch image of an hourglass

Time management expert Sarah Stewart shares her framework to audit your time, so you can get more time for the things that really matter.

sketch image of an alarm clock

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