Own Your Time Oonagh Minogue
I’m joined this week by Oonagh Minogue on Own Your Time.
In today’s episode I’m going to be chatting with Oonagh Minogue.
Oonagh loves everything to do with energies. For as long as she can remember, holistic and natural therapies have surrounded her. Over the last few years, she has completed a number of courses on different types of energy work, from Holistic massage, pendulum work, Integrated Energy therapy with the Angels (I.E.T) and as of December 2023, she completed her studies in Flying Stars Feng Shui in which she genuinely believes is the final piece of her soul journey puzzle.
Let’s get into it…
In this episode we cover:
Declutter for Time and Energy: Clearing physical space frees mental energy, saves time, and promotes calm and focus.
Workspaces Matter: Facing the door, having sturdy furniture, and avoiding sharp corners can enhance productivity and comfort.
Energy Alignment: Feng Shui remedies, such as incorporating natural elements or strategic furniture placement, can shift stagnant energy and improve flow.
Start Small: Begin decluttering with manageable tasks, like clearing one drawer or shelf, to build momentum and confidence.
Quick Wins: Simple steps, like keeping your entryway clear and opening windows to invite fresh energy, can bring noticeable improvements to your space and mindset.
Read the transcript:
Please note - this podcast episode was transcribed by an AI tool, there may be some typos or errors.
00:00 Welcome to Own Your Time, a podcast for small business owners. Get ready to harness your most precious asset, your time, with intention, enabling you to create a life that thrives in simplicity, ease and joy.
00:17 I'm your host, Sarah Stewart, Glasgow-based time management expert. My approach combines the wisdom of traditional time management strategies with the transformative of power of mindfulness.
00:30 My commitment is to help you to get more time for the things that really matter. If you are ready to ditch the hustle culture and overwhelm and instead embrace peaceful productivity, you are in the right place.
00:43 In today's episode, I'm going to be chatting with Una Minogue. Una loves everything to do with energies. For as long as she can remember holistic and natural therapies has surrounded her.
00:57 And over the last few years she's completed a number of different courses on energy work from holistic massage, pendulum work, integrated energy therapy with angels, and more recently she's completed her studies in Feng Shui in which she genuinely believes is the final piece of her soul journey puzzle
01:19 . I love that. So creating environments that empower lives by bringing balance and harmony to the home, but also promoting positive energy and well-being is very much Una's area of expertise and we're going to be diving into Feng Shui in this episode and the importance of our environment.
01:41 It's a great conversation. So I hope you had a nice Christmas and start to the new year and hopefully this is a good conversation for you to have a listen to as we think about our environment as we start off the new year.
01:58 I think our environment is something that is underrated and it really can impact our yeah like well-being or productivity or focus all of these different things.
02:12 I think it's so important. So yeah, enjoy the conversation. Let's get into it. Amazing, welcome, Anna. I'm really pleased to have you with me on the podcast.
02:24 How are you today? I'm good Sarah. Thanks very much and thank you for having me here. I'm very excited. Yeah, absolutely.
02:31 So let's, I've done a little intro, but let's hear from you and your own words, maybe a little bit about you and your business.
02:40 Okay so I started my Feng Shui journey about two years ago and I suppose it has led to so much that it made me about a year, a year and a half ago go in and to study everything to do with Feng Shui.
02:57 So basically Feng Shui is all about finding balance and harmony in your home and it's just I've always loved everything to do with energy and this just thanks way just seems to be the cherry on top of everything that I've learned up to now and it's just something that I love doing.
03:16 I'm really excited to sort of get into this and really intrigued by thanks way but you touch there on sort of working with energy.
03:25 What led you to where you are now? I suppose in my own life and with everything I you just there was a point where you're just tired of like the same thing in day in day out like working with kids and just constantly like no time for myself constantly on the move constantly doing something whether it
03:48 was kids were sick or there was always something to be done and with which and working so hard and seeing like every time money was come in the home money was leave and just as quick and I was thinking they had to be more to life than just working.
04:02 And at the end of the day having, I suppose, nothing to show for us, like your bills were paid, there was food in the table, there was a roof over your head, you were so, so grateful.
04:11 But there was no time for fun and play because it was just continuously just working. I just thought it has to be more to this.
04:21 And I suppose when I start googling, you know, ways to get, I suppose, movements better in in your life and to get more time.
04:30 Feng Shui kept coming up in my search and then on Instagram, and like obviously was seeing what maybe I was Googling, maybe it wasn't, but it was, you know, people started coming up and did Feng Shui and I started following them and I just got really, really interested in it and I decided to know what
04:46 the first thing I was going to do and was going to declutter and I started off my journey by decluttering not knowing anything about Feng Shui and I kind of put things away to the side things, I just had got out of it to kill sure.
05:00 So that was the first thing I started in my home and the energy started to move and things just started to happen a little bit faster and just to shift and it seemed to be more lighter happiness in the home.
05:13 So I just kind of kept going from there. Amazing. And I'm a massive advocate of decluttering and like the impact of our environment as well and there is I'm probably like less educated around the energy side of things but certainly I think having an environment that sets you up for success can be really
05:42 impactful and I started to intentionally let go of things in my home and sort of try and create a more clean and clear house, and I've noticed it's been really impactful.
06:02 What sort of wear on the spectrum of decluttering does like Feng Shui come in? I'm thinking at one end we've got two minimalism where people are really only living with the bare minimum that they need.
06:18 Where does Feng Shui fall on that? Okay. Well, I'm definitely not living on the bare minimum. I could definitely do what reduce in a bit more.
06:28 And I suppose there's two ways to look at it. Some people don't want to declare their home. They're happy the way it is.
06:34 And they just think it's madness getting rid of stuff that they've paid for. Even though they haven't, they're not getting any use from it.
06:41 But they put a lot of money into it at the time. And it just to let it go is hard.
06:45 So with these people, I can thanks away their home and put in the remedies into their home. and it's still going to get the energy moving in their home because the remedies are so powerful, they really cut through all the clutter even.
06:58 So it's a choice that people make, but for me personally, I feel if you declutter and then put the remedies in, to me it's just a lighter home.
07:09 I suppose with your question of how much to declutter, I would just even start somewhere small. We all know that we have a press and we know in that press it's stuff that we've put into but that was just like, someone said they're coming over for tea or coffee and you're like, oh God, tell you the hair's
07:24 quick and you're grabbing everything and thrown it into this press. And like, even if you start there with a little press or 20 minutes or 10 minutes a day, I don't think you have to go completely mimilism or God, I'm not even pronouncing it right, but you don't have to have the minimum off everything
07:41 , once everything I think has its place and its spot and it's clear. Like you said, it's a clear open space to leave the energy flow around and only things that make you feel good and happy when you see them because there is items, pictures in our home that when we see them like we're just it's nothing
07:59 to us like you don't even get a feeling from it so why would you have that in your house and so yeah I just think it's up to you what way you want to move stuff and and hang your clothes and do things like that but just when you have the space and open it up now it's also going to save you time, if you
08:18 think because you can find everything more easier, if you go into a wardrobe or a press and you're like, I know it's in here, but you have to pull everything out and then you're a person and you're like giving out yourself, oh my god why haven't I cleaned this face and then you're getting all angry with
08:32 yourself and you're putting yourself down and then you've just obsessed your whole day ahead because you're giving out yourself to find this one item that's shoved in the back of the press or you can't even find it and you end up spending money because you're like, I'll just go to the shop and get another
08:45 one. So you're going to save time and money by, you know, removing these items from your home that you don't no longer use or need.
08:53 Yeah. So there's, I guess there's two component parts there then, it's like the decluttering, but it's also the getting organized bit as well.
09:03 And they do sort of go hand-in-hand, don't they? And that's been my experience, too, that now that I've decluttered and sort of everything has a designated home, that I can quite quickly put my hands on things when I need them.
09:22 So you know, I know that like the little toolkit or whatever is in a particular drawer in my hallway, and I can like go and get that straight away.
09:34 And, you know, and gosh, I could like spite out loads of examples, but it is just that. And so I'm interested about this concept of like letting the energy flow.
09:49 Could you, I wonder if you could maybe, for the listeners that this is maybe a totally new concept of like thinking about energy and things.
09:58 Could you maybe give a little bit more context around that? Yeah so I usually try to explain that in the way as you know our bodies obviously hold energy as well we can walk into a room and feel all excited or we can walk into a room and feel nervous so or anxious but it's all to do with the the energy
10:16 in our bodies and if we go for a walk or run we always feel better off it well 99% the time we feel better coming back from exercise and I also like to describe it as a treatment for your home so Feng Shui is like acupuncture the body, putting in the needles, getting the body move, and getting any stag
10:33 of energy in our body move. And thanks way is like that to your home. And putting in the remedies into your home is like putting the needles into your home.
10:40 So putting in one of the five remedies, whether be metal, fire, earth, wood, move, and metal into your home is going to cut you any negative energies.
10:49 Or if you've positive energies in your home, they could also be stuck, your home could be completely positive. But there's something black and the flow of this energy moving around your home and by simply getting your home remedied and adding these remedies to your home it's just going to start to move
11:02 that's stagman's energy just like the needles will start to move it in your body. Is that interesting? It does, yeah.
11:11 And when you talk about remedies, like could you maybe give an example? Like what sort of things are we we're talking?
11:20 Okay so like I suppose let me say your home, your home could be in like a money block. So if your home is in a money block, our people block a money block would mean that your home is just struggling to keep money inside and it's like money could be coming in and you could be working really hard, great
11:40 opportunities. But for some reason, as soon as it's coming in, it's going straight back out the door like and it could be simple as things breaking in your home, you know, the car breaking down.
11:49 Just money is just This seems we won't be allowed to the other, and with a money block, for example, in the home I did the other day, their home is in a money block, and when your home is in a money block, for this particular house, because it goes on where you are, and the direction of your home, and
12:06 we have to put water in the front of their home, so we're putting running water in the front of their home, and it's not like it'd be, go out and spend loads of money and get a water fountain and all this, it's simply like you can either get a bucket and put in a, you know, a, a blower that like in a
12:23 fish tank that moves the water around. Okay. And that's going to get the flow of money and abundance back into their home.
12:31 Or the same thing your home could be in a people's lock. And what that means is that you people in the home or people outside the home, you might be getting on too well-wish.
12:41 So it's just constant and arguments and constant, just coming up to arguments with people and just constant struggle with interaction with people.
12:50 And again, you could be either putting a mountain at the back of your home or at the water, again at the front and a mountain.
12:57 Again, it's not going out and getting a load of style and making a big mountain, but it's just something simple like art elements, like what rocks and things just to, you know, make something out in your garden that looks like that or simply getting a print enough a picture.
13:12 I put it on your window facing out the back and just putting on that, but this represents a mountain to protect the home and the people in it and to protect our relationships.
13:23 So it's all, it's like a modern day thanks to me really because there's everything that you're thinking, I can't put this here, I can't put that there, there's ways around it that I help you to go, okay, look, we can do it this way or we can do it that way or I know a lady the last time she needed a
13:37 lot of metal, but it needed to be in her sit-room her sit room was kind of very small and she didn't want a load of metal just stacked in the corner of her sit room when she sit there at night so we got a nice basket kind of a woven basket and she put them into the basket and we just have like she kind
13:54 of has a nice troll just over it so it just looks really pretty there and you would not know it's a basket of metal so it's just it's simple things like that and your home because it holds different energies your home can hold like so many different numbers because our home is divided into nine areas
14:12 so each area will represent an area of your life but also each of these areas gets a number so a number like can be like 204 or 210 it can be 300 something whatever number it is and each of these numbers will represent what is stuck in your life or what is positive in your life so I can give you some
14:33 suggestions. I wrote down one that I've recently done that what has come open their home. I can give you one or two if you want.
14:38 Yeah, that would be great to hear. I just took it in a sense. Yeah, so like we had one that was, it came up so it was good, so it was very good for romance, but then it also had legal issues and issues with the lungs, food poisoning came up in this home, but then it also came up with really good health
14:57 in the rest of the home and really go for a female empowerment and support from the public and then once came up that was great for happiness and abundance and also come up with small like problems with small bones and nervous systems or legal issues.
15:14 There's just everything that's going on can come up in your head. I kind of like to look at it's like getting your fortune tellers to yeah fortune told a fortune on your home and some people would be like oh my god this is exactly was coming up in my home because some people don't want to elaborate too
15:30 much why they're getting it they just want to get it done but then when you go back and tell them what you found they're like oh my god you know this stuff is coming up in my home like so it's yeah it's just it is amazing like but people can do things now like you're saying to get the energy flown and
15:48 people's home now and they can do so much as it is like in their home now like decluttering I know a lot of people might be and I'm not going near the decluttering.
15:57 So even keeping your floor is kind of swept and just free. And, you know, cobwebs, cobwebs, I don't know about you, but my front door, it just seems to be every spider around.
16:08 The black seems to want to live at my front door. So even the spider webs, the spider webs, what they're going to do is they're going to, like, you know, the web, it's going to stop the energy, the good energy coming into your house, the good energy flowing around the web is going to kind of capture.
16:22 So it's going to make the energy stagnant. So it's really important to keep like, you know, windows doors, everything spider web free and clean because the good energy will come in our front windows and our front door.
16:35 But if you have like, like might have sometimes little hand paws up along the windows or dog paws or anything up along the windows, again that dirt and that foggyness is going to stop the good energy flowing in.
16:48 Interesting. Yeah. So even simply by going around and giving all them a clean and your gutters outside, it would just get the flow going in your home.
16:59 I find that so fascinating. I am guilty of having lots of spider webs at my front door. I clocked them the other day because they are getting larger.
17:12 I do need to sort, yes, okay so this is giving me some motivation to get them, get them swept. Okay and and that's also in it's interesting then that there it's in a way separate from like you're saying that you don't really need to do the decluttering to still benefit from the Feng Shui which I find
17:34 really interesting and I think the way that you're sort of explaining it like Feng Shui to me as a novice I sort of thought it was mainly a right like I was thinking furniture placement like is that part of it there is little bits of like furniture placement and but a lot of people have that idea that
17:57 and I had myself that's why when I even googled it I didn't realize there's different there's two different types if not three different types of Feng Shui with some of my look out look on it when I went into the first I was thinking I won't be able to do that I'm not going to be able to keep why furniture
18:14 all over my home and you know it's like absolutely spotless clean but then when I look deeper into it there is parts of that but it's not all about that like for example which your furniture will be very good for yourself and business or anybody in business or if you have kids studying around thing to
18:32 make sure their desk's position is very important that their desk is facing the entrance up the door because when you're sitting doing work if I was sitting here now on the door was behind me I'm here talking to you but if I hear a noise I'm going to be like what is that I can't see what's coming at
18:48 me whereas if I'm sitting here and I have the whole power off the room I can see everything and I can see the doors so I can see what's coming at me not only what's coming at me right here now but in my own business I can see what's coming and having a really good high chair behind you to support you
19:05 and a wall you're really in the command position so you're supported you're Like in a strong position because the wall behind you was so strong.
19:13 So you're in a really good position and For for business or for study and our fran thing. There's nothing's gonna creep up and give you a fright because you're in full control Love that Yeah, okay.
19:26 Nice. And so when we think about then like I like that concept around sort of being in control and in your life and business.
19:36 How about thinking about productivity and focus and that sort of thing. Would that be a similar sort of idea? We want to face the door so we're like I guess less likely to maybe be distracted or taken away from what we're doing?
19:53 Oh yes definitely and because you want to be always able to see you don't want to be whether you you feel it or not even if you have your back to the door you are going to be on edge because anything can sneak up behind you like.
20:08 So if you're in control and even when you're doing a class, I did a real year of the day, if you're a practitioner, doing yoga class or Pilate class, you want to be able to see the people coming in.
20:18 You don't want to be in the middle of a stretch. Next thing, see the shadow coming up behind you or whatever you want to always be for productivity.
20:25 You always want to be able to see the room. Nice. when I reflect back, I just had a vision there of like me as a teenager in our home and the way that our desk was set up, my back was to the door and me and my sister used to do it and we would creep up on each other and then all of a sudden I would have
20:53 her head in my neck and I would That's so fun. Yeah. And when I'm set up here, I mean, I'm in that sort of a small little box room.
21:10 But the door is right there. But maybe, maybe I should be considering shifting that round. So like, I am feel like, would, would, do you need to be full on facing the door?
21:20 No, just so you can see it. Okay. You just want to, if someone was open that door, you know, you can see who's coming in that you don't have to turn or they're not going give you a struggle.
21:29 Yeah, so once you can see it the door that's fine. And the same way like a window, if you can, possible, and that to have your back up against a window either, because if you think about the window, you don't know what can come in, like I know nothing's really going to come in your window if it's closed
21:45 . But again, the same kind of thing, your sister could be out there and go, wow, it's against the window idea.
21:51 So you just, you know, it's just little tips like that that are really kind of useful and like with your desk then as well you want your desk to be a good sturdy desk try and not have like a metal desk if possible because metal desk the same as beds sometimes they can be seen just as a little fragile
22:09 so if you can have a good sturdy desk but then because I'm not saying go out and get rid of that metal desk I want people to you know be able to find ways around it especially if you don't have money to be going out running around get new desks or beds.
22:25 If you put even a nice soft mesh, like, you know, a nice dorm, not a dorm at a mat, that'll fit underneath a rug, underneath your desk.
22:35 That's going to make your desk soft and the fragility of your desk and just make it a little bit more, I suppose, warm and strong.
22:44 And then even, like, it's the same with your desks, your kitchen desks, like kitchen tables, I mean, sorry it's really good to have a round table even though my table down there is rectangular but the curves not the end the four corners it's not too pinty because having the things two pinties well can
23:02 just send a little bit of edgy energy around the place so it's nice to have it nice and soft but then again the mass a nice rogue underneath would be very nice but probably not at a dinner table, I wouldn't look too good with foods and stuff dropping.
23:19 Yeah, interesting. Yeah, that's all really interesting. My desk has curved corners. As does my dining table downstairs, it's also sort of rectangular, but the corners are sort of curved over yeah fascinating okay and and so how do you work with clients then like are you going into people's homes or is
23:47 it something you do remotely no so I do it all remotely so I offer two services so the first one I offer is a home mapping so this is it down the road you want to get a home analyst but you just want to kind of kickstart your home and what a home mapping is it's literally I will divide your home into
24:06 nine areas and so like the north area is going to represent your career and life purpose. The south area or the southeast area is going to represent like abundance and it'll just tell you what each of these areas mean but also tell you where to find these areas exactly in your home so then you can begin
24:26 to work with them because if you're thinking oh my goodness the health in my home the last year two years, if someone constantly sick, then you'll know the health area is the center of your home, but you will know exactly what room or rooms are where it is in your home because I'll be able to map it
24:42 out for you. And then you can start to work in that area and to like bring up ground better health in your home.
24:50 And then yeah. So like that's what you can do that really the home app and you could do it yourself with a compass on your phone, just flat on your hand, no jewelry because the jewelry could interfere.
25:04 But if you're standing in the middle of your home and you just pivot slowly, say you're trying to find the north and you pivot slowly until it's the north area and walk in that direction.
25:13 But where this can get tricky when I was trying to do it myself, where it can get tricky is then I want to know where the the north east is or the north west.
25:21 So I'd not sure if this part of the room ends in the north and starts in the northeast or you know that's where it gets tricky so that's what you're not if you don't really know how to do it that's where the whole map and comes in it's really really helpful and then the full home analyst that's where
25:37 the magic happens that's where it takes me up to around two weeks but it's just a little bit of information that I get from you then because I'm doing it remotely will be like you know your address your air code because I'd be popping on to Google Earth and going over your home and just seeing what way
25:51 it's what direction it's in and what way it's decisions on the compass and what degrees it is and then I go dive deep in to see what is the underlying energies then in your home.
26:03 So that's the full home analyst and yeah that's really the two big services that I that I offer. Fantastic and They're even the full package.
26:16 So does that involve like zoom calls and you know Yeah, the full package is like a whole mapping and all this as well But what it is I some people you will ring and you'll talk and they'll be getting a whole manless and some people just want to They'll just book it online and they just want it done.
26:36 They'll just tell you they just want it done And I'd be like fine and then some people you can ask them is there anything particular that is coming up in your home or is there anything particularly you need help but because it takes me two weeks if it's something like health I'd be able to say some straight
26:51 away look start in the center of your home start make sure it's you know it's clean it's tidy there's nothing broken in this area and it will just give them a boost to start working there and then but a lot of people then when I I will ring them when I have it ready and I will go true but that's when
27:07 really the questions come because they have to put in remedies and they want to know a little bit more about where to put the remedies or how to place the remedies and then they'll talk a little bit more if something has come up that's happening in their house because sometimes as a lady said to me there
27:22 she said it's such actually it's such your relief now some of the things that was happening are home didn't come up and it was just life that was happening but one or two things that came up she was like oh my god one of the things she even started crying she was like this is just this is just a relief
27:37 that to know that it wasn't it's not me, it's not my family. There is something impacting our home. It just depends everyone's different, and some people just want you to ring them and go through it, but I usually email it over to you anyway, but they just want you to ring, go through it, and they don't
27:54 really want to tell you anything, and that's fine as well. They only might ask you questions about what has come up and again, how to place it or whatever.
28:03 But everyone's different, so I'm there to help whoever wants to be helped. And if anyone just wants the information, they'll just get the information as well.
28:11 Yeah, interesting. Gosh, it really is fascinating. Like, yeah, I really am and treat. There's even things and like other things I'm thinking of.
28:24 Like I had, I'm divorced and I had some things that were like wedding gifts and stuff. And I'm, you know, this Christmas will be like 13 years since we separated, but there was all this like energy associated with these things, and then I sort of finally started to let it go, because you're right, you
28:46 touched on this at the start, like when things have got, you know, they've cost a lot of money at the point you purchased them, it can be harder to let it go, but I did eventually let the stuff go and like took stuff to this charity shop and so on and it does make a difference it really does.
29:07 Oh yeah it does it makes a massive difference like physically and mentally like it's just even you know with clothes in our workshops and stuff we're holding on to fit back into them jeans or I can't get rid of that stuff I don't like it I don't like the material but it cost me whatever it did but or
29:24 a knife and that's in there that you won't wear again because you had it maybe on a date or you had it when something not nice happened in your life and you remember that jumper and it brings you back to that memory but my question to people like this then why you don't want that's a sad memory you don't
29:40 want that memory so you know it should be easier to get rid of it but it's not for some reason we just it's likely like giving ourselves this pain when it's like no get rid of it the same way then you want to you want to change jobs and you're looking for a new job and you want to I don't know you maybe
29:57 had been nursing and I know you want to go into February or something completely different but you've all these nursing books and all these things to do with nursing all around your home.
30:06 Your home and the universe and the energy is still holding that there because things you want it but you don't want it so you need to let go of old books and old builds and old things that's like clouding up your home that you might even know you have like when I started decluttering it was like it was
30:23 around 2022 and it was so I was so embarrassed going through I was finding builds from 2012 like to tells builds that were already paid like why had I stacks of these in my home and that's like builds our represent money going out of my home so I was storing all these things and for no reason I didn't
30:41 even know they were there till I started to declutter so it's just it's so important to I suppose know what's in each press in cupboard and know what's in your wardrobe and try and, you know, disconnect from them, because it will help you move forward.
30:57 And as you said, like you felt so much different yourself when you let these things go. But it is hard as well.
31:03 I do understand that. Yeah. Interesting. Okay. And is there anything else? I'm sort of trying to think if I don't think I have any other questions at the moment.
31:18 But is there anything that was maybe not touched on that you would want to share. Well, I suppose just the little simple things for people to get the energy shifting in their whole mouth.
31:29 And you know, like in the morning, simply make sure the curtains are open, open the windows, leaving in the air around your room is very important.
31:38 Your front door, if you can open it, this going to sound completely madness. But if you can open, well, your back door for us and say, goodbye, negative energy, out you go you know everything leave it all and exit the back door if you can leave it open for a few seconds shut it and go and open your front
31:54 door and welcome in the new day's energy and the fresh energy and even into circulation around your home and like I know you can't be doing it every day but if you can keep you know the front door the cobwebs free in your rooms and even by giving a good hoover every now and again and a mop and things
32:10 like that it really shifts up the energy and then common up like to Christmas and things like that my big thing for people because a lot of people get a bit of anxiety and different things coming up to Christmas with different people coming into their homes.
32:24 I always find lighten that candle but make sure the candle is like you know natural wax candle because you don't want to you know make anyone sick with candles that aren't you know natural so lighten that candle around the dinner table or in your hall or in wherever it is and because Because that will
32:41 just cut away any negativity, especially if you're sitting down in the same room with these people are at a table.
32:46 It really does help is to just cut through that negativity, but also make sure you don't burn candles. It's a big one in the centre of your home and the health area of your home, because that is seen as burning away the person or the people in the home's health.
33:02 And for ages, part of the centre of my home is in my home where people come in, and I was always having a candle burning there because like you know people are coming in they get the nice smell not the smell of the dogs or whatever but then I have stopped or I move it over to a corner that I know is
33:17 definitely not the center of your home and because you don't want to be burning away the health of the people in your home and the same with pictures of family again I had this I had a beautiful family portrait of us all over the fireplace big massive one I was so proud of myself I loved it was sitting
33:33 there for a long long time till I did the thanksway as well because anything that you love like pictures and things like that shouldn't be over your fireplace because again that's literally burning the people in the photos and the bumps so you know you don't want to turn them away as well yeah so anything
33:48 you love like that don't have it on your your mantel piece so there's I've so I could be here all day but you know they can check out my pages loads of free stuff there as well but um trying to think of like they're all simple little things that people can do now their home.
34:05 Oh, and the toilet seat, that toilet seat. Keep it down because the bathroom was where like all the negative energy and all our waste goes.
34:15 But if you have your front door and you're lit in an all the good energy and you have your bathroom door open and the toilet seat open.
34:21 Like you're leaving all the good energy and it's just coming in and going down the toilet. So it's a really good one if you can keep everyone to keep that toilet seat down.
34:30 And the toilet the door close if you can, but if not, make sure to keep the toilet seat down just to keep the good energy flowing around your home.
34:38 That is a funny one. I like that. Nice. Yeah, so that's some like tangible things that we can sort of take away and action.
34:49 I love it. And then you mentioned there that you've got some free resources on your website and things. Where can people find you online?
34:57 Oh yeah, so online I'm at Unumanoag.com so an unas double O N H E H because I suppose my mom wants me to be different.
35:06 A lot of people spell it, UNA but I spell it O O N A G H so it's www.oonaghminogue.com and I have a free download there on how to find the nine areas and I will tell you what each of the nine areas in your home represent as well so it's like a nice little bit of information there as well.
35:25 Amazing. that I download that. Yeah, fantastic. Well, I'll definitely be going away to work on that. That'll be one of my tasks for the weekend.
35:37 Okay, fantastic. So, and I'll make sure that all of your links are captured in the show notes and stuff. I'll be sharing it with all my audience anyway.
35:50 So, I'm sure there'll be clickable links and different things for them. So, they don't need to worry about spelling or whatever that might be.
36:00 Okay, well listen, you know, thank you so much for joining me. It's been a real pleasure. Oh, thank you. I loved it.
36:06 Thanks very much. Okay, bye for now. Bye. Thank you for joining me on another episode of Own Your Time. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you can.
36:23 Connect with me on social media for additional resources, community engagement and updates. You'll find me on Instagram at sarahstewart.co.uk. Until next time, bye for now.