Word for the year, 2024

New Year’s Resolutions

A New Year’s resolution is basically goal setting; making a decision to do, or to avoid, something for the year ahead.

As you might expect as a time management coach, I personally love a new year, and a fresh start (although appreciate that you can literally start over whenever you want!). That said, I also recognise that Winter is a time for “resting and contemplation”, and the more natural time for new beginnings is actually Spring.

Capricorns are often labelled as ‘workaholics’ and are typically ambitious do-ers, organised and practical (hi, it’s me!). And it’s our season right now (it was my birthday yesterday!!). So, in typically Capricorn-style, I’ve already mapped out my vision for the year into quarterly goals; I’ll be sharing more on how I do this in next week’s article. To support this vision, I’ve landed on a series of habits that I want to continue to embed… most of these are carryovers from 2023… but the one that I do need to work on is drinking more water. I drink a lot of decaf tea, but I don’t drink much in the way of water.

Word for the year

In addition to the habits and my goals, I’ve landed on a word for the year.

It was Susannah Conway I believe that first coined this practice, with her ‘Unravel your Year’ and ‘Find your Word’ workbooks (which you can download for free here). And if I remember, it was on Jessica Rose Williams blog that I first read about it.

My word acts like a bit of a North star, and it can help with decision making and gives me some direction. Last year my word was intuition, and it did serve me well in the first half of the year, but then it was a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and I neglected my word towards the latter part of 2023.

This year, I’ve chosen brave as my word. If you missed my last post on 2023 reflections, I introduce my word and some of the reasoning behind it. I’ve already popped the word into my Vision board in Asana (I’m a massive advocate of this free digital planning tool; I’ve got a training session here if you want to learn more), and I’m going to get it up on the whiteboard in my home office too.

I’d love to know, are you team resolution or no? Do you have a word for the year? Let me know in the comments.

Strategic planning for your business

And if you’d like some help with strategic planning for your business for 2024, as an ex-project manager and now time management coach, this sort of thing is right up my street. Get in touch here.


Proactive Planning: Mapping Out Your Small Business Success for the Year Ahead


My lessons from 2023.