Starting out in business?

I had been having a conversation in my Instagram DMs this week around free support available for small business owners that are starting out on their entrepreneurial journey. I thought it might be helpful for some of you too, and so I decided to share it here on my blog!

Business Gateway

Business Gateway provides support to businesses across Scotland, whether you’re just starting out or need some more bespoke guidance as an established business owner. There are a variety of free sessions you can sign up to join, and they also host networking events too. Find out more here . I’ve met with my local Business Gateway office, and have also had a free 1-to-1 social media session. Additionally, Business Gateway explores opportunities in open banking and revenue based loan services to further support businesses in their growth journey.

Digital Boost

Digital Boost are a learning platform, owned by charity Founders4Schools, making it easy for anyone to access business mentoring and support. I’ve joined a few of the Digital Boost free classes, including Content Creation and Strategy, Website Development and B2B Sales. There are also a huge variety of volunteer mentors that you can book a free 1-to-1 session with, and I’ve had one such session on SEO which was super helpful. You can have sessions on finance, sales, marketing, HR and more. Book your session here.

The Wise Group

I met Giovanna, one of the self-employment mentors from The Wise Group at a networking event the other month. This isn’t a service that I’ve used personally, but the support is free and Giovanna was lovely.

Other support

I’ve been to the Barclays Eagle Lab, which is on the Barclays campus on the Clyde (such a fantastic set-up they have. I was there for a tour, and was mighty impressed!). There’s also the RBS Accelerator.

Paid groups

I’ve also joined a couple of Glasgow-based paid communities; just for women, but felt it might be worthwhile mentioning here. GlasGlow Girls Club, funded by Laura Maginess, are an award winning social and business club. I’ve really been enjoying the networking events, and there are regular training sessions, accountability groups and more.

Lastly are my own in-person charity networking events, Connect for a Cause. I’ve currently a waitlist for my business brunch club - drop me an email if you’d like to be added.

Let me know if I’ve missed any companies worthy of mentioning!


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